Saturday, December 22, 2012

Empower Network Habitat for Humanity and Real Change ...

If you're new here, be sure to hang out with me on facebook Franco on Facebook. And give me a call at: 760-271-2810.

The Original Intention of the Empower Network?

The original intention of Empower Network was to create,
from scratch, a vehicle where people in the home based
industry including affiliate marketing, information marketing,
internet marketing and even network marketing and mlm, could
learn how to be effective at growing their businesses online?

?and where they can make more money, faster in a more
simple way and do it WITHOUT sacrificing so much of the
life they are building it for.

?We got tired of seeing people ?selling the dream? but recruiting
people into selling that dream while living a nightmare? ?

With that intention driving the creation and the launch
phase of Empower Network, we?ve been able to attract, in
a little over 12 months...

?71,000 paying customers and we?ve paid out over
$21,000,000 (million) in 100% commissions to our affiliates.

In the slang of the Empower Network Movement, that is called
being, thinking and doing: ?BAD ASS!?

So now that the financial vehicle part is proven, working
and an inspiration to a whole industry, it?s time for phase
two of this movement?

?changing the world.

(we?ve never been accused of NOT thinking and believing BIG!)

Empower Network and Habitat for Humanity

What if it was now possible to help fill your community?s?
food pantry to overflowing??

What if you were no empowered to help clothe more people
and contribute more to your church and even have the time
to give of your time to effect change??

What if you now were empowered to help hammer in some
nails and hang some shingles? building other people?s
new homes??

What if you could now take that nursing degree you worked
so hard to earn, and actually volunteer time to help out
in your local hospital, without the stress of needing it
for the money??

What if? you can be more of the bad ass that lives inside you?
What if? there was no more excuses and just more opportunity??

How alive would that make you feel??

Habitat for Humanity and Empower Network

Would it be completely worth it, to learn a couple new tricks??

Would it be completely worth it, to speak up more on your facebook??

Would it be completely worth it, to get through the fear and butterflies
of cutting your first couple youtube videos??

Would it make it more fun to learn how we think? and to dream again??

Empower Network is so much more than 100% commissions and information products?on learning internet marketing?

It?s so much more than how to use a blog and a list building capture page?

If you want it to be?

It can be?

?so much more.

And we?re just getting started!

So, if you?ve been looking for a community that was truly
focused and 100% committed on empowering the people?

I invite you to get to know us a bit more?

Immerse yourself in our information?

Study our videos?

Hangout with us on our mastermind sessions?

Chill out with us and share some stories and pics on our facebook pages?

And just make a decision and take action on joining our movement!

To do what we truly intend to do in our world, we need help? we need you.

Enjoy the two links below, that show you a piece of our commitment?to you, our teammates, our customers and our communities?

And we?ll see you on our next Monday Night Empower Hour Conference Call!

Click Here to Witness How Prosperity Team Helps Close Your Sales in Empower Network

Click Here to Learn About Our Commitment to Paying it Forward by Working with Habitat for Humanity

Franco Gonzalez

Why Franco Gonzalez thinks Empower Network is Good Old Fashioned American Apple Pie and Free Enterprise!

Franco Gonzalez Has Spent The Last 10 Years Mastering Virtually Every Single Aspect Of The Social Marketing & Home Based Business Industry. He specializes in teaching new home based business owners how to use the Internet and Social Media Marketing to Drive Traffic, Build a List, and Make Money Online by keeping things (A)s (S)imple (A)s (P)ossible (ASAP). You Can Learn More About Working With Franco Here??? Big Leverage with Franco Gonzalez


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